MIRPURKHAS May 28. An Assistant sub inspector of Tando Ghulam Ali police station , district Badin had allegedly been established private torture cell at his private bunglow in Mir Allah Bux colony of Tando Jan Mohammad town, district Mirpurkhas as he had been detained there innocent people in illegal confinement for money extortion. It was revealed on Tuesday (few days ago) when a unknown person in badly condition came out from the above private torture cell after occurring a fire there, raising hue and cry and saying the area people to save him from Badin police. Area sources told the local newsman that unknown person later had been informed to Imam Ali Shah through telephone that his detained brother Jumman Shah had been subjected to torture by Badin police in illegal torture cell. While that person was missing later. Later same day evening Imam Ali Shah along with his brother Haider Shah and relatives held protest demonstration at main Tando Jan Mohammad Digri road as result traffic was suspended for an hour, while protesters demanded the authorities to take notice of illegal detention of Jumman Shah by Badin police in alleged private torture cell . On the assurance of SHO Tando Jan Mohammad police that Jumman shah will be produced in the concerned court on Saturday May 29 by the Badin police on which protesters dispersed and traffic was restored. Later, talking to local newsmen, Imam Ali Shah, his brother Haider Shah and their mother told that they were resident of Dajero Mori, district Badin while Tando Ghulam Ali police had been picked up Jumman Shah about two months ago without any cause and kept them still in illegal captivity, while during this they had been sent various complaints to higher authorities but no vain. They added that his arresting was not yet show in the police record and feared that he will be kill in fake encounter. They appealed the chief justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chohadhry, provincial police officer, RPO Hyderabad and other concerned officers to take immediate notice and action be taken into this matter, ensure immediate releasing of the detained Jumman Shah from illegal wrongful confinement and punish the involved police officials. Area people told the local newsmen that Khuda Bux Ranjhani, ASI and incharge police post Budho Qambrani of police station Tando Ghulam Ali, district Badin had been setup torture cell in his bunglow where suspected activities were seen of police officials while 4 unknown persons were detained there for last 2 months for money extortion . They further accused that above ASI has been shifted a heavy thing folded in a cloth Chadar from his bungalow to unknown destination in a car. Police picket has also been setup near the bungalow. When contacted DPO Mirpurkhas Muneer Ahmed Shaikh said that he had been ordered the inquiry into this matter and SPO Jhuddo was the inquiry officer who has not yet been submitted the inquiry report and as he will receive the inquiry report he will take action under the recommendations of the inquiry report.
MIRPURKHAS May 28. Additional sessions court 1 Mirpurkhas has been set free to 23 peasants including women and children of Oad community here on Friday following recording their statements. Report said that Nihaal Oad had been moved an application into the court of district and sessions court Mirpurkhas complaining that his relatives were detained at the agriculture farm of landlord Wazeer Mari in the limit of Phuladyyoon police station while they were not allowed to move free even they were deprived of health facilities as well as their crop share. He requested the court to order to concerned police for early recovery of the detained bonded labour. On Thursday on the order of session’s court, Phuladyyoon police carried out raid at the spot and released 23 peasants including Peral, Mohan, Hathio, Kanji, Sahab Chand, Ms Saran, Ms Wera, Ms Kareema etc. Phuladyyoon police have produced the recovered bonded labours in the session’s court.
MIRPURKHAS May 28. Villagers residents of nearby villages of Mirpurkhas sugar mill are demonstrating at Hyderabad Mirpurkhas road against the disposal of dangerious effluents in LBOD drain by the Mirpurkhas sugar mill management. |
MIRPURKHAS May 28. Villagers residents of nearby villages of Mirpurkhas sugar mill are demonstrating at Hyderabad Mirpurkhas road against the disposal of dangerious effluents in LBOD drain by the Mirpurkhas sugar mill management. |
MIRPURKHAS May 28. Scores of villager’s resident of nearby areas of Mirpurkhas sugar mill have taken out protest rally here on Friday from railway station roundabout to protest against the disposal of dangerous effluents in LBOD drain by management of Mirpurkhas sugar mill. Protesters led by Tanveer Baloch, Rafique Siaal and Ch Tufail , carried banners and placards marched through main roads. They chanted slogans against the mill management and demanded the government to take immediately notice and stop releasing the dangerous wastage of the Unicol Alcohol plant of Mirpurkhas sugar mill in LBOD drain. They reached at the local press club where speaking at the protesters Tanveer Baloch, Rafique Siaal and Ch Tufail accused the mill management of disposing the dangerous wastage in LBOD drain since three years which affected the area people , cattles and barren the hundreds of fertile agriculture land. They alleged that harmful effluents have been posing serious threats to the people and cattles particularly as it had adversely been affected the environment or atmosphere of the region, rendered the barren hundreds of acres of fertile farm land, killed hundreds of cattles including camel, goats, sheep, cow, buffalos etc after drinking the dangerous wastage of the drain. They expressed that dangerous effluents had caused of death of fishes after drinking the dangerous effluents. They held responsible to director Nara canal area water board who despite knowing did not stop the releasing of the dangerous wastage in the drain while he has been receiving over 178000 per years for last three years from the mill management to allow it to dispose the dangerous effluents in the drain. They said that under the agreement that had been made between mill management and director Nara canal in 2007 for three years , mill management was allowed to dispose only treated water in the drain and if any loss was occurred then mill management will be bound to pay appropriate compensation to the affectees. They further said that mill management was issuing threats to the affected abadgars and villagers and trying to buy them but they warned that they would not withdraw from their rights. They deplored that Sindh environmental protection agency was paying its silence role in this regard. They said that despite their continuous protest campaign no action was yet taken by the government agencies and government as well as director Nara canal will be responsible to death of any human being if occurred as sofar people including women and children were suffering different kinds of diseases including skin, intestine, stomach, Tuber culauses, Hepatitis etc. They demanded the president , prime minister, chief justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chohadhry, environmental agencies , human rights organizations , chief justice Sindh high court to take suo moto notice into this matter, provide justice to the affected people, stoppage of disposal of dangerous wastage in the drain and payment of compensation to the affected villagers. Later, a delegation of the protesters led by Tanveer Baloch met with district administrator Ghulam Hussain Memon and apprised him about their grievances and losses had caused of releasing of dangerous effluents in the drain, while district administrator assured the delegation that he will take appropriate action into this matter and force the mill management to pay compensation to the affectees.